Colonization, Genocide and Hitler's Billionaires

As the saying goes “old habits die hard.” Yes, it does seem true, and also true for old social orders, financial systems and political regimes.  Israel is currently being accused of a half century of colonization, and now genocide, against Palestinians, yet Israel is hardly alone.  European colonization is technically a thing of the past in Africa, however several African nations that were once French colonies continue as proxy-colonies through the CFA (Communauté Financière Africaine) currency system created and controlled by France.  As well, there is a stealthy new Chinese colonization of Africa well-underway, with China now being the largest private land owner on the continent and the most powerful foreign economic power, as well.   Perhaps equally as concerning is the fact that many German companies that collaborated with Hitler and the Nazi Party never had to face any accountability for their complicity in genocide, slave labor and all the other World War horrors Germany inflicted upon the world.   But now, at last, this great veil of historical secrecy and amnesia is being revealed in a new book entitled Nazi Billionaires, which reveals in meticulous detail how uber-wealthy, legendary companies like BMW, Porsche, Daimler-Benz and many others made and grew their vast fortunes during Nazi Germany and since.   Listen to an excerpt of the book and learn more here.