Progressives in Germany say no to fascism

 While it's true that there is a sharp measurable rise  of right-wing  activity happening all across  Europe, there is also resistance to extremists who seek a return to authoritarian government and xenophobic social policies.  In Germany, the AFD political party has emerged in the last 20 years as the latest redesigned incarnation of the former Nazi party, and among other things, the AFD seeks to expel all immigrants from Africa and other non-EU countries, and they also have a plan to ban mosques in Germany.  On the global stage the AFD is very much aligned with Donald Trump's MAGA  movement in the US, which some see as unstoppable.  The AFD does have a lot of support, especially in East Germany, however last week and over the weekend, hundreds of thousands of people all across German sent a very clear protest message as they took to the streets with a defiant roar saying "Everyone Together Against Fascism!"